The Hong Kong Disneyland announced the details of the new parade "Flight of Fantasy Parade" in a press conference of "Celebration in the Air".

米奇朋友號飛船 Mickey's Airship
"米奇朋友號飛船" 將會帶領著所有巡遊隊伍登場! “迪士尼飛天巡遊”由快樂的小飛象與提摩太打頭陣,小飛象拍動著他的大耳朵,在半空中領航;米奇將會駕駛著超巨型米奇頭氣球飛船,巡遊沿線向賓客問好;一班迪士尼朋友:米妮、唐老鴨、布魯托和高飛亦會隨著飛船升空,與賓客一同載歌載舞!
Mickey's Airship will lead the all parade team! This splendid parade starts with Dumbo and Timothy, Dumbo will navigate in the air; Mickey will be driving the giant Mickey's icon shape airship, and greet all the guest around the parade route, and his friends, Minnie, Daisy, Donald, Pluto and Goofy will also sing and dance along with him.
小熊維尼白日夢飛船 Winnie the Pooh
小熊維尼最愛蜜糖,有了蜜糖就能忘記煩惱。 “小熊維尼白日夢飛船”處處散發著甜蜜的氣息。 小熊維尼夢寐以求的蜜糖樽滿溢蜜糖,吸引長鼻怪及大象蜂緊緊跟隨,還有好友跳跳虎以及咿唷蹦蹦跳! 蜜糖樽更會出其不意地慢慢打開,引得小蜜蜂在空中圍著它熱烈地飛舞。
Honey is Winnie the pooh's favourite, and Honey will help him to forget all troubles. You will be able to feel the sweetness from the Winnie the Pooh's float. The honey jug is full, attached the Heggalump and Elephant bee to follow, as well as his good friend Tigger, and Eeyore! The Honey jug will open irregularly, and there will be bees which got attracted and hover around.
史迪仔衝浪飛船 Lilo and Stitch Drive Unit
"史迪仔衝浪飛船" 充滿著亞熱帶風情! 史迪仔踏著海浪在空中滑翔;莉蘿則帶領一班夏威夷舞者大跳草裙舞,配合一班衝浪的表演者,將夏威夷的氣息推上高峰。
Stitch proudly presents his tropical world! He will windsurfs in the air, and Lilo will be leading her dancing team, which will be formed by Hawaiian dancer and Surfers, to deliver the hottest sense of tropics to you!
迪士尼浪漫升空 Princesses
On a Swan shaped airboat, you will be able to see your favourite disney princesses, Snow White, Cinderella, Belle and Aurora, joining this celebration under the guidance of the royals. And there will be heart-shaped balloon, which represents the romantic dreams of the princess, arounds the airboat.
奇妙仙子棉花飛船 Tinker Bell
Fairies had come out from Pixie Hallow! Do not be surprised if you see a flying cotton float, it is the magic of the pixie dust! This flying Cotton Float, which got flowers on the sides, is the float of fairies, who will be generously sharing their joy and happiness to everyone!
飛躍森林出巡隊伍 The Jungle
活力節拍的森林歌聲向沿途的賓客散發出歡欣的氣息。 原野色彩濃重的“飛躍森林出巡隊伍”,載著《獅子王》、《森林王子》及《泰山》中的迪士尼朋友,還有一大群猴子在空中跳躍,投入森林的活潑節奏中。 《獅子王》的辛巴在這個森林王國中,升至最高點,象徵王者地位!
Our friends from Lion King, The jungle book, and Tarzan will feature in this float. There will also be the Forest styled dynamic music, and their energetic monkey friends will join this lovely party, dancing alone with them. The Lion King, Simba, will be lifted to the highest!
反斗奇兵一飛沖天號 Toy Story
"反斗奇兵一飛沖天號" 將會壓軸登場! 巴斯光年將會隨他的太空飛船一飛沖天,其他《反斗奇兵》裡面一班大受歡迎的主角,包括胡迪、翠絲、火腿等一同登場,綠色奇兵更會用跳傘從天而降,為賓客帶來飛躍奇妙的驚喜。 抱抱龍REX則會是整個“迪士尼飛天巡遊”中最後出場的迪士尼朋友,他將為這精彩的表演劃上完美的句號。
"To infinity, and beyond!". toy story will give the finale, woody, jessie and ham will join this amazing party with Buzz lightyear, and the Green Paratrooper will show us the best parachute jumping, and deliver the greatest joy of "celebration in the Air". Rex will be the last disney character of the parade, and will give a perfect ending of the show.
Referred from : Hong Kong Disneyland Press Release,