
香港迪士尼樂園 X Vinylmation™ 專題介紹

P.S. Part of the script will not be written in English. Hope foreign readers could understand it. Thank you.
Taken from Emporium, HKDL

2010年黑色世界前夕,樂園靜悄悄引入一系列在美國迪士尼炙手可熱的商品 —Vinylmation™。適逢香港迪士尼樂園正為5週年而推出首個自家Vinylmation™系列(3),本報將為各讀者簡介 Vinylmation™的由來。
In fall 2010, Hong Kong Disneyland imported a hot product from USA Disney parks – Vinylmation™. For those who is unfamiliar, we will give a brief information and introduce you the Hong Kong Disneyland’s very first Vinylmation™ series – Celebration in the Air (5th Anniversary Celebration).

Hong Kong Disneyland's Special Vinylmation™ - Dumbo
Vinylmation™原本是迪士尼主題樂園商品部在美國推出的一系列主題商品。並於20087月中首次推出相關的商品,有趣的是,上述商品竟是將首發設計的系列(Park#1系列及 Urban#1系列)以徽章形式呈現。
Vinylmation™ is a series of product designed by Disney Theme Park Merchandize and originally from America. The first item was launched in Mid-July, 2008. Surprisingly, it was the pin of Park #1 and Urban #1 series.
同年11月,首個Vinylmation™公仔在佛羅里達州的Downtown Disney面世。該公仔全身空白,名為 Create-Your-Own,意為賓客擁有一個獨一無二的創作體驗,至今仍然熱賣。事隔一個月,首個系列 — Park#1系列終於在20081218日在華特迪士尼世界面世。
In November 2008, the first Vinylmation™ figure was launched in Downtown Disney, Florida. It is called as Create-Your-Own, it is a blank white figure. Literally, it means to create your very own Vinylmation™. It became incredibly famous and still a bit hit today. One month later, the first series, Park #1, was shown to the world on December 18, 2008. It was sold at Walt Disney World.
Vinylmation™的開發者,Donald Ferro曾經以以下一句說話概括背後的開發意念。
Vinylmation™大約是一個令創意得以傳遞及迷離刺激的收藏活動。」總括而言, Vinylmation™將創作過程及收藏活動連繋起來。

Donald Ferro, the product developer, used one sentence to conclude Vinylmation™, "Vinylmation™ is about expressing creativity and the mysterious thrill of the chase." All in all, Vinylmation™ is the process of designing and collecting.
Toy Story Vinylmation™ Series

Imagineering一樣,Vinylmation是迪士尼自創的專有名詞,是Vinyl + Animation之意。Vinyl,中文釋名為乙烯基,是一種強而容易塑形的塑膠材料。常用於牆壁、地板、傢俬、書封及舊式唱片之中。在這裡,Vinyl是指迪士尼藝術家將創意發揮的介面,亦是Vinylmation™公仔的製造原料。Animation(意指動畫)則是迪士尼公司的基石,不可或缺的部份。如此一來,Vinylmation™背後的創作理念不言而喻。
Vinylmation is a Disney word. It is the combination of Vinyl + Animation. Vinyl is a strong and easy to bend plastic, which often to be seen in wall, floor, furniture, book cover and old records. In here Vinyl is the medium where Disney artists could express their ideas, also the raw material of Vinylmation™. For Animation, it is everything and the most important thing for Disney.
The outlook of Vinylmation™ looks like Mickey Mouse, but the artists ain’t going to redecorate or dress up Mickey Mouse. In stead, it is a platform to let artists to express their creativities.
簡單來說,Vinylmation™可分作3大類。Park Series(樂園系列)Urban Series(都市系列)及其他。Park Series主要以樂園設施、裝飾及具代表性的物品,在不久的將來更會推出 Park #6Urban Series是以藝術家的意念為主,透過不同設計去突顯個人特色,主題不拘、較為自由。其他類別則以個別主題去創作,例如 Star WarsNightmare Before ChristmasToy Story等等。
Vinylmation™ can be categorized into 3 kinds. Park Series, Urban Series and others. For Park Series, the inspirations of the series are from park attraction, facilities, icon, decoration etc. For Urban Series, artists are free to design whatever is able to express their ideas by using graphs and lines. Other series, artists have to design within a fixed theme, like, Star Wars, Nightmare Before Christmas, Haunted Mansion, etc.
Park #4 Series

特別版則會配以不同物品,如陀錶、手錶等。筆者最喜愛的則是專為加州55周年而推出的 A-E Ticket系列,以禮盒裝15Vinylmation™(分別為ABCDE Ticket)一起發售,隨盒附送A Ticket Vinylmation型徽章一枚。
Special editions, usually limited edition, are paired with different item, like watch. My favourite would be the A-E Ticket Series, a boxed set with 5 Vinylmation™ figures (They are A, B, C, D and E Ticket) and an A Ticket Vinylmation pin.
值得一提的是,大部份的Vinylmation™的底部都印有該創作者的簽名。如Clear Series等小部份的Vinylmation™則沒有簽名。
Most of the Vinylmation™ are with the signature of its creator in the bottom. Only very few Vinylmation™, like Clear Series, do not printed with it. 
Vinylmation™ Logo

Vinylmation™共有三個大小,分別是1.5寸、3寸及9寸。1.5寸統稱為 Vinylmation Jr.,全是非限量版。而3寸則有非限量版及限量發售之分。而9寸者則是全限量版。在香港迪士尼樂園所推出的5周年3Vinylmation™之中,其中2款為3寸非限量版,餘下1款為限量1,0009寸公仔。
Vinylmation™ has 3 sizes, 1.5-inch, 3-inch and 9-inch. 1.5-inch figures are known as Vinylmation Jr. and all are open edition. 3 inches figures have both open edition and limited release. For 9-inch, they are all limited edition.
In Hong Kong Disneyland’s series, there will be 2 open edition 3-inch Vinylmation™ and 1 9-inch Vinylmation™, limited 1,000.
Vinylmation Jr.是在Vinylmation™面世一年半後,在華特迪士尼世界 Downtown Disney 西區的 D Street開幕時才推出的。可說是Vinylmation™的“進化版”。除體積不同外,.3寸及9Vinylmation™最分別在於製作過程。3寸及9Vinylmation™均會以人手塑造及上色初模,而Vinylmation Jr.的初模則以電腦將設計透過三維數碼打印技術呈現在初模上。
Vinylmation Jr. was first to be seen on April 16, 2010. It was the opening day of

D Street, a pop culture Disney shop in the West Direst of Downtown Disney, Florida. Not mentioning the size, the one major distinction between Vinylmation Jr., 3-inch and 9-inch Vinylmation™ is in the process of making. The original figure of 3-inch and 9-inch are all sculptured by artists. But for Vinylmation Jr., the design was entered into the computer and printed with 3-diminsional digital print, to create a prototype.
Vinylmation Jr. #2 Series

至於包裝方面,Vinylmation Jr. 及部份 3Vinylmation™是密封式包裝。直到你打開盒子方知公仔款色。而9Vinylmation™及部份3Vinylmation™則以開放式包裝。香港迪士尼樂園所推出的5周年3Vinylmation™均屬開放式包裝。
Vinylmation Jr. and some of the 3-inch Vinylmation™ are in mystic box. The figure is unknown until you buy it. Some 3-inch Vinylmation™ and 9-inch Vinylmation™ are presented in open box, the figure can be seen before you buy it. In Hong Kong Disneyland’s series, all 3 Vinylmation™ are open box.

一套Vinylmation Jr.系列中有2個是神祕公仔,而一套3Vinylmation™系列中則有1個是神祕公仔。9Vinylmation™通常是個別的。
In 1 set of the Vinylmation Jr. Series, there have 2 mystic figures. For 3-inch Vinylmation™, there must be 1 mystic figure in the series. 9-inch Vinylmation™ are sold solely.
Urban #5 Series

當然,你可選擇逐一購買Vinylmation Jr. / 3 Vinylmation™或直接購買一盤同一系列的Vinylmation Jr. / 3 Vinylmation™。一盤Vinylmation Jr.有包括2套同一系列的Vinylmation Jr.及2個與該系列相符神祕公仔。而一盤3Vinylmation™有包括2套同一系列的Vinylmation™1個與該系列相符神祕公仔。
於是,在2010416日早上945分,位於華特迪士尼世界 Downtown Disney 西區的 D Street正式開幕。D Street一間以流行文化為題的精品店,完完全全有別於樂園過往的店舗。並提供場所給予美國本土流行文化的藝術家創作迪士尼作品。而Vinylmation™的商品正正放於 D Street的當眼處,並佔了頗大的面積。其後,加州Downtown Disney亦擁有自己的 D Street
而香港迪士尼樂園亦參與Vinylmation™的熱潮,推出了以5週年為題的Vinylmation™,一共3 款。包括23Vinylmation™,分別是魔法學徒米奇及小飛象大寶。以及19寸限量版Vinylmation™,並以奇妙城堡為題,限量1,000個。
To celebrate its 5th Anniversary, Hong Kong Disneyland will launch a series of 3 Vinylmation™ figures, including 2 open edition 3-inch figures, they are Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey and Dumbo, and 1 limited edition (of 1,000) 9-inch Vinylmation™, the Tinker Bell Castle.
I hope you could find this update useful and find it delightful to read.

Let's play a guessing game at the end of the update. Do you know what is story being told in the Vinylmation™ below?
Answer: Pirates of the Caribbean (Prison Dog)


