本年度「徽章交換同樂日」又來了,邀請單張已在度假區內廣發 。 米奇及其他迪士尼朋友在準備參與「徽章交換同樂日」前,於灰姑娘旋轉木馬前留影。留意一下木馬上的彩帶橫額,由原來"Cinderella Carousel"更換為"Pin Trading Fun Day 2012",單張設計上是否暗示了什麼呢?
Pin Trading Fun Day 2012 will be held in April, 2012! The leaflet can be found around the resort. Mickey and his friend are ready for the greatest pin trading activity at Hong Kong Disneyland as they took a 'picture' in front of the Cinderella Carousel. If you look in close, the attraction's name is changed to Pin Trading Fun Day 2012. But, why?