


Now you are reading the last report of the New Frontiers! In this report, the Gazette will point out what special about Toy Story Land, and ALSO we will look into the New Frontiers in a wider perspective, for instance, interesting techniques which are being applied in the New Frontiers and the uses of colour.

「反斗奇兵大本營」大約講述安迪還是小童的一天(以反斗奇兵 1 及 2 為故事背景),他的心愛的玩具時趁著他離開家中後園而活動起來。泥士上的鞋印證明安迪才剛剛離開!而一眾玩具則歡迎「縮小」成綠色士兵高度的賓客參加他們的後園嘉年華!

The story happened when Andy was just a child. He has left his beloved toys unattended while he was playing at the backyard one day. The footsteps in the soil proofed Andy has just left in minutes ago. The toys welcome every guest, who has shrunk to the size of Green Army Men, to attend the backyard carnival.


The major difference between Imagineers and engineers would be, Imagineers are not only required to design the size and shape of a building, but also with the time and space. The Toy Story Land is immersed in ever green plants to emphasis when does the story happens. The green colour representing the season of Spring and Summer and life blossoms. Speaking as a family fun themed area, green colour also refers to energetic, leisure and good health.

其實在迪士尼主題樂園中,顏色本身就是一種語言。而透過這種語言,可讓我們了解更多遊樂設施的背景。大家又可知道「迷離莊園」的主調顏色 – Tyrian Purple,背後的故事嗎?而灰熊山谷的主調顏色棕色又有何用處?先讓大家猜猜謎,謎底稍後分曉。

In Disneyland, the colour itself is a language which converting messages into the environment. By studying the language of colour, we could know more about the background story of the attractions. So, what is the story behind the Tyrian Purple in Mystic Point? What is the use of brown paintings in Grizzly Gulch?

說到「反斗奇兵大本營」的空間,安迪的玩具被放大好幾千倍。相對來說,我們則像愛麗斯喝下了「Drink Me」一樣,「縮小」了幾千倍,變成了「綠色士兵」。因此在大本營的胡迪、抱抱龍及彈弓狗比我們還要大幾倍,而我們才可坐進 RC 遙控車及彈弓狗的身軀。

Andy’s toys was being enlarged thousand times to create a visionary illusion, or you may say, we have drunk the ‘Drink Me’ and shrunk to the size of Green Army Men. Therefore, Woody, Rex and Slinky Dog are larger us, and we could get onto the RC Racer and into the body of Slinky Dog.

如果要以實物比較,大本營的 RC 遙控車與實物相比,足足重了 2,600 倍。而「玩具兵團跳降傘」的高度相等於 16 個大本營中的綠色士兵模型高度相加的總和,假若換上實物玩具,則需要 492 個綠色士兵。順帶一提,大本營的安迪鞋印則有 10 米之長!

The RC Racer in Toy Story Land is 2,600 times heavier than the real toy, while the height of Toy Slider Parachute Drop equals to the sum of the height of 18 Green Army Men models in Toy Story Land, which roughly equivalents the height of to 492 Green Army Men. In addition, the length of each Andy’s footstep is 10 metres.

根據幻想工程師Tom Fitzgerald ( Executive Vice President and Senior Creative Executive of Walt Disney Imagineering ),當他們為巴黎 Walt Disney Studios 設計新園區時(即後來的「反斗奇兵大本營」),決定以一套迪士尼電影為題。該套電影必需取材自合家歡的主題,換句話說,主題應可吸引兒童及上的年齡層並可持續一段長時間。當時,在他們手上共有「反斗奇兵」及「超人特攻隊」2 項選擇。而「反斗奇兵」系列的知名度及新電影上映令他們作出了決定。

Tom Fitzgerald, the Executive Vice President and Senior Creative Executive of Walt Disney Imagineering, mentioned when they wanted to design a family fun themed land for Walt Disney Studios in Paris, they decided to take inspiration from a Disney movie. In the other words, the movie must be welcomed by all generations. Therefore, they came up with 2 choices – “Toy Story” series and “The Incredibles”. Eventually, they have chosen “Toy Story” based on the popularity of the movie series and the launch of “Toy Story 3”.

為了找尋靈感,他們除了到 eBay 搜購 60、70 年代的玩具,更環遊全球到不同的主題樂園試玩刺激遊樂設施。Tom Fitzgerald 並在從中發現現今的遊樂設施有 2 項發展趨勢,「部份遊樂設施漸漸演變成軟件導向,而其中有些只要我們更新其軟件便可將整個遊樂設施改變。我們同時亦注意到故事演譯方式的本質也改變了,訪客均要求更多互動性及在遊樂設施中取得更多控制。但對於小童來說,他們仍想與真實的卡通人物會面,以及追求那種他們經常經歷的體驗。」

They collected 60s and 70s toys from eBay and traveled all over the world to try on the latest thrilling rides. Fitzgerald has also pointed out the 2 major trends of future rides after the field trip, 'The rides are increasingly becoming more software driven. For some rides we can change them simply by updating the software. We are also aware that the nature of storytelling has changed. Visitors want more interactivity and more control of the rides. However kids still want to meet real character and be wooed by that experience the same as they have always done.'

在華特迪士尼家族博物館為加州迪士尼樂園 55 周年而舉行的公眾座談會的第三天中,即 2010 年 7 月18 日,談及到有關香港迪士尼樂園第1期擴建工程。雖然華特迪士尼公司在亞洲區早有經營主題樂園的經驗,但原來中國人跟日本人的接受程度有著很大差別。在中國有著很多閒娛樂園,而遊客往往在作出選擇時會為遊樂設施的多少與門票價錢作出比較。每當他們到訪香港迪士尼樂園時,難免會對遊樂設施的數目感到失望。即使樂園是細心地設計以配合自然環境,亦未足以取悅他們。有趣的是,他們會把每個與卡通人物共聚的地點當作 1 項遊樂設施。因此幻想工程師在3個新園區中得出 37 項新遊樂設施之多,包括每 1 個與卡通人物共聚的地點。

On the third day of Walt Disney Museum’s Disneyland 55th Anniversary Celebration public audience, July 18th, 2010, the expansion of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 1st phase was brought up at the discussion. Although the company has the experience in running theme park in Asia before they entered Hong Kong, but the perception of Chinese and Japanese are totally different. There are many amusement parks in China, visitors would make choice between the numbers of attraction and compare against the admission fee. Whenever they visit Hong Kong Disneyland, disappointment was raised in the lack of attractions. Even though the park was designed to merge with the stunning landscape, it is not enough to satisfy them. Surprisingly, they would count every single Meet and Greet as an attraction. Therefore, the Imagineers came up with 37 attractions in the New Frontiers, including every single Meet and Greet location.

彼思動畫創辦人及「反斗奇兵」導演 John Lasseter 曾提到,火辣跑車 ( Hot Wheels ) 系列一直是他童年的最愛,特別是當中的橙色賽道。而當他被邀請參與園區創作時,他立刻聯想到火辣跑車的橙色賽道與RC遙控車的主題不謀而合,而這 2 款玩具均在電影中曾經亮相。模型中屋形的物體叫「Super -Charger」,是火辣跑車在 John Lasseter 童年出產的玩具。當火辣跑車經過Super-Charge r時,Super-Charger 的旋轉推動器會為火辣跑車加速,因而成為了「沖天遙控車」的創作意念。

The founder of Pixar Animation Studios and the director of Toy Story, John Lasseter once said, Hot Wheels was one of his favourite toys in his childhood, especially the eye-catching orange racing track. When he was invited to create the Toy Story Playland in Walt Disney Studios, he thought of the orange racing track that would go perfectly with the theme of RC Racer immediately, and those 2 toys were both in appearance of “Toy Story”. The house-like object in the attraction is called “Super-Charger”, it was a product from Hot Wheels launched in Lassiter’s childhood. Whenever the Hot Wheels racing car passes through the Super-Charger, the spinning engine inside the Super-Charger speeds up the racing car, and that is the inspiration of RC Racer in Toy Story Land.

John Lasseter 為彈弓狗設計遊樂設施時,想到好讓牠追著自己的尾巴打圈,並加入一些波道讓整個過程更加刺激。值得一提的是,「反斗奇兵」為原本彈弓狗玩具稍作修改後,才變成今天大家所見的模樣。而該玩具製造商 POOF – Slinky, Inc. 更為配合電影上映而推出上述設計的彈弓狗。大家在「轉轉彈弓狗」模型中看到的盒子為該玩具在 60、70 年代的包裝,而盒上的彈弓狗則以現今的設計重新繪畫。

When John Lasseter designing an attraction for Slinky Dog, he would like to see Slinky Dog chasing his tail in circle, then he wanted to add in wave curve to make it more fun. By the way, the production team of “Toy Story” modified the Slinky Dog and created a look for him. The manufacturer of the Slinky Dog toys, POOF – Slinky, Inc., re-produced the new Slinky Dog after the movie was launched. The queue of “Slinky Dog Spin” is the packaging of Slinky Dog toys in 60s and 70s, but the illustration of Slinky Dog was specially drawn to match with the present design.


“Toy Solider Parachute Drop” was inspired by the scene from “Toy Story”. The waiting area is full of different military toys, as if Andy put all the military themed toys together and created a unique military base.


To construct the atmosphere of a grassy backyard, the bamboos were divided into squares to match with the outlook of the grasses.

很多迪士尼迷均認為「沖天遙控車」破壞了幻想世界的景觀,但從好方面看,「沖天遙控車」亦1件引人的「熱狗」。你並沒有看錯,是「熱狗」!其實在樂園內的遊樂設施,如「睡公主城堡」、「太空飛碟」、「泰山樹屋」等等也是「熱狗」!不過,這裡所指的不是可供食用的熱狗,而是華特.迪士尼先生口中所指的「Beckoning Hand」。把「Beckoning Hand」稱作「熱狗」是因為熱狗是華特.迪士尼先生一生中最愛的食物,或許對華特.迪士尼先生來說,熱狗比一切還要吸引。。而「Beckoning Hand」是指可引起好奇或吸引賓客的地方,就像伸出一隻手招徠四方客。一個有效的「Beckoning Hand」通常也擁有且代表性外觀及特別的風格以融入環境,「睡公主城堡」就是最佳例子。

Disney fans generally think that the “RC Racer” interrupted the landscape of Fantasyland, actually, it is a tasty “Wienie” (Hotdog)! Yes, “Wienie”! As a matter of fact, attractions including Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, Orbitron, Tarzan’s Treehouse, etc, are all “Wienie”! We are not talking about the edible hotdog in here, but refers to the “Beckoning Hand”. Beckoning Hand called as Wienie because hotdog was Walt’s life-long favourite. Walt observed that people move towards architectures which are attracting them the most, as if a hand beckoning and inviting them to visit. An effective Beckoning Hand usually has an iconic outlook and special architecture style which could fit into the environment, Sleeping Beauty’s Castle would be the best example to illustrate.


As we have mentioned in the beginning, the time and space are important in designing Disney parks. The time and space not only goes with the background stories, but also the space of the park and the visiting time. Imagineers can set up a regular time and space for some attractions, just like playing movie in the theatre, those are including Main Street Vehicles cruising up and down in Main Street, Jungle River Cruise, Space Mountain, etc. But for most of the area, they cannot control and predict how long the guests would stay and go, like Main Street U.S.A, Tarzan’s Treehouse and rest of the open area. So, Wienie become effective tool to guide guests move towards places that interest them the most.


Wienie just like a door at the end of the corridor, at the time you open the door, you could find another Wienie, and there are more Wienie behind a Wienie. Just imagine you are standing at the Main Street Railroad Station and you decided to walk towards Toy Story Land, so, you move towards the Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. When you are at the hub, you could see Cinderella Carousel through the arch. You could see another Fantasyland attraction after you pass the arch. By standing before Dumbo the Flying Elephant, you could see the RC Racer. If you look closer at the models in The Magic Continues… Gallery, you could find that the Wienie in 3 new areas are having almost the same height. For the lands hidden in the deep jungle, Wienie within a Wienie is definitely be a great helper!


Colour can help guests in make decision where to visit consciously and unconsciously. It can also tell us the story, serve as practical function, and make comparison. Do you still remember the question the Gazette raised in the beginning? Let’s find out the answers together!

「迷離莊園」的主調顏色 – Tyrian Purple,故事可追朔至古代地中海的周邊地區。藍色染料一直是很名貴的染料,特別是而這種偏紅的紫色染料必需從數種帶刺的貝穀中提取,包括 染料骨螺 ( Bolinus brandaris )根幹骨螺 ( Hexaplex trunculus ) 及 Stramonita haemastoma。其中,以腓尼基的( Phoenician )海港城市 Tyre 的最為出名,因而命名。在羅馬帝國時代,顏色被用作分野不同社會階級。當時法律規定這種珍貴染料只可染在將軍、參議員、地方執法官、祭司及皇帝的特定服裝上。隨著羅馬帝國歿落,Tyrian Purple 先後成為天主教教宗、東正教宗主教、神聖羅馬帝國君主的專用染料。自中世紀開始,Tyrian Purple 更成為歐洲貴族的專用染料。身為英國貴族的亨利勳爵,Tyrian Purple 最能代表其顯赫地位。

The story of Tyrain Purple could chase back to ancient Mediterranean region. Blue dye was a rare dye and the royalty’s favourite, especially the Tyrain Purple. Tyrain Purple had to be extracted from several kind of spiny shell, including Bolinus brandaris, Hexaple trunculus and Stramonita haemastoma. It was named after Tyre, the Phoenician port city, which was well-known by producing this reddish purple. In Roman Empire, colour was used as the classification of social classes. The use of Tyrain Purple was highly restricted under the Empire law, it could only be seen on the togs worn by generals, senators, magistrates, priests and the Emperor. After the Roman Empire collapsed, Tyrain Purple was widely used and exclusively on the clothing of the Pope, the patriarchs of the Orthodox Church and the Emperor of Holy Roman Empire. Eventually, it was passed to the European aristocratic family in medieval. For Lord Henry Mystic, as a member of aristocracy, Tyrain Purple is the best and the only colour to represent the honoured title.

棕色是其中一種岩石的天然顏色,而棕色某種度上是灰色混上黑色的顏料。相比起 Disney’s California Adventure 的 Grizzly Peak 的灰色,棕色更能有效反射陽光。而且香港的天空比起其他迪士尼樂園的天空還要灰,原因是空氣的懸浮粒子阻擋了較短波長的藍光,而讓較長波長的紅光穿透。因此,棕色在灰濛濛的天空下更能突顯「灰熊山谷」。

Brown is one of natural colours of the rocks, and it is regarded as the grey colour mixed with black colour. Compared to the grey paintings on the Grizzly Peak at Disney’s California Adventure, brown paintings on Grizzly Mountain have better resistant to the sunlight and weather. Furthermore, Hong Kong’s sky is greyer and less blue than the skies in other resorts. Because the particle in the atmosphere blocked the shorter wavelength blue while allowing longer wavelength red light to pass through. Therefore, brown paintings could make the Grizzly Gulch looks more outstanding under the greyish sky.


The theme colour of Mystic Point is deeper than the theme colour in Grizzly Gulch and Toy Story Land. The deeper colour could draw guests’ attention and guide them to walk toward the Mystic Point, the mini-land located in between Grizzly Gulch and Toy Story Land. On the other hand, the Tyrain Purple is a cold colour, whereas brown and green are the warm colour. The warm colour is more easily to establish guests’ emotional feelings than cold colour, therefore, the warm colour could simulate the guests in the Mystic Point move toward either Grizzly Gulch or Toy Story Land


Colours can also the guide guests to move toward different area. For instance, if you looked toward Grizzly Gulch from Adventureland, you could see that the brown mountain stands out from the deep green jungle. If you were at Grizzly Gulch, you could observe the brown mountain spreads toward the Manor in reddish purple. If you were at Mystic Point, you could find that the Manor and the green bamboos is a good use of contrast. If you were at Toy Story Land, you might discover the bamboos set off the pinkish Fantasyland.

由左至右: 「百貨店」、「馬車蘆舍」及「小鎮百貨店」
From Left to Right: Emporium, Carriage House and Main Street Merchandise

由左至右: 「百貨店」、「馬車蘆舍」及「小鎮百貨店」
From Left to Right: Emporium, Carriage House and Main Street Merchandise

由左至右: 「百貨店」、「馬車蘆舍」及「小鎮百貨店」
From Left to Right: Emporium, Carriage House and Main Street Merchandise


When Walt Disney was designing Disneyland, he used a very special technique to avoid contradictory in area transition. It is “Cross-Dissolve”, a directing technique to change one scene to another scene in movie making. Walt Disney is the first person who applied Cross-Dissolve in three dimensional world. Take an example from Main Street, although Emporium, Carriage House and Main Street Merchandise are standing closing to one another, we could still know where we standing at by identifying the interior designs, like, the floor, the pillars and the chandeliers. The change in colours, trees, architecture style, etc. in the theme lands are the clues that indicate the transition is actually happening.

由左至右: 「「探險世界」的油吊燈竹柱、「木筏」及「泰山樹屋」一帶的電吊燈木柱
From Left to Right: Bamboo Oil Lamp Poses & Wooden Electronic Lamp Poses in Adventureland

上圖: 灰熊山谷」的電吊燈木柱
Above: Wooden Electronic Lamp Poses in Grizzly Gulch


In the transition of a theme land to other theme lands, Cross-Dissolve is particularly important, because the confusion may happen if it is not used in the transition. The walkway connecting Main Street U.S.A and Tomorrowland at Hong Kong Disneyland, is an example of Cross-Dissolve. The walkway is acting as an inter-universe tunnel. Whenever guests passed through the tunnel and the Tomorrowland logo, they will find themselves are already in the area of the space port. There is also a change on the ground, the brick floor in Main Street is changed to the outer space rock (concrete) floor. The wooden bridge in Adventureland and Sleeping Beauty Castle are the Cross-Dissolve as well. Another example of Cross-Dissolve would be the lamp poses in Adventureland and Grizzly Gulch, the transition starts from the bamboo oil lamp poses, than changes to the wooden electronic lamp poses in the Tarzan’s Treehouse and the area near the Rafts and finally the wooden electronic lamp poses in Grizzly Gulch. By using this interesting method, the New Frontier can transit in a more nature way, and to avoid confusion.


In all 3 New Frontiers reports, we could know that the story, technology, sensory feelings, space and time are having significant influence over the park design. The Imagineers purposely add in those elements to provide a better experience for all of us. Their work will not come to life unless you get on the ride and join in the adventure. They are not asking for any material rewards, but the smile, applause, joyful expression from you. So, who says there are only JUST 37 new experiences at the New Frontiers!

Did you know that?

「反斗奇兵」電影系列中及真實的彈弓狗玩具的彈簧只有 17 個環,但在大本營中彈弓狗身上的環數因為設計需要而增至 34 個。在大本營中的彈弓狗玩具包裝上亦繪有 34 個環。上圖為香港迪士尼樂園擴建預覽中心中,「轉轉彈弓狗」的模型。

In “Toy Story” and the real world, Slinky Dog has 17 rings on its spring. Due to the design issue, the rings on Slinky Dog’s spring were added up to 34 in Toy Story Land. The queue area of the Slinky Dog Spin also illustrated 34 rings Slinky Dog on the packaging drawing. The photo is from the model of Slinky Dog Spin in The Magic Continues… Gallery, Hong Kong Disneyland.

Toy Story 3 DVD Bonus Features (or YouTube video: John Lasseter about Toy Story Playland at Disneyland Paris)
Designing Disney


