
大街小報 YouTube 頻道啟動!

大街小報 YouTube 頻道啟動!
Gazette Owns Its YouTube Channel!

本報榮幸地向大家宣佈,我們的 YouTube 頻道在 2011 年 7 月 4 日正式啟動!你將可在我們 YouTube 頻道中看到由本報拍攝,有關香港迪士尼樂園度假區的影片,如表演、巡遊等。

It is our honour to announce the Hong Kong Main Street Gazette YouTube Channel was officially launched on July 4, 2011. You could watch videos about Hong Kong Disneyland Resort which was taken by the Gazette, for instance, video of the shows, landscapes and living things, etc.

大家除了可訂閱本報 YouTube 頻道外,亦可加入我們 Facebook 專頁。在專頁中,大家大但可緊貼最新資訊,還可率先預覽我們最新的影片。

Not only you could subscribe our YouTube channel, you could also join out Facebook Page for getting updated information of the Gazette. Moreover, you could have the preview of our latest YouTube video before we publish the video on the Gazette!

以下是本報小試牛刀的小作,一段有關奇妙仙子城堡的 2 分鐘 (1080 HD) 短片。希望各位喜歡本報的業餘作品!

Here is the try-out, a 2-minute (1080 HD) clip about Tinker Bell Castle. We hope you could find it delightful as we present our very first amateur YouTube video!

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