
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! 將加勒比海盜 Vinylmation 據為己有!

Yo Ho! Yo Ho! 將加勒比海盜 Vinylmation 據為己有!
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Vinylmation for Me!

香港迪士尼樂園在2011年6月18日推出了加勒比海盜 Vinylmation系列。上述系列把迪士尼樂園中最受歡迎的遊樂設施之一,Pirates of the Caribbean 中的人物呈現在 Vinylmation 上。該系列為迪士尼藝術家 Casey Jones的作品。

Hong Kong Disneyland has launched ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean Vinylmation’ on June 18, 2011. The series is to present few well-known pirates you could see in The Pirates of the Caribbean, a famous E-ticket dark ride, on the Vinylmation. The series was created by Artist Casey Jones.

Can you recognize all bad eggs, mate?

究竟 Chaser 是哪一位呢?
Aye! Which pirate is being presented as the chaser?

Did You Know That?

香港比美國地區還要早2星期推出這系列 Vinylmation!
Hong Kong launched this series 2 weeks earlier than United States!


