



2。故事查詢!如果你想了解更多有關迪士尼樂園,一些特殊用語,傳統的起源等,歡迎你發電郵給我們,並說明理由。如果編輯們發現了一個有趣電郵,我們將為此發表一篇文章!立即發送電子郵件webmaster@wonderland912.com! (我們傾向於一個比較更具體的話題。) 

3。本報很高興,大街週報在 17 週的報導後已獲得讀者的支持。由於本報希望通過博客,YouTube 提供更多元化的資訊。我們抱歉地通知讀者,大街週報將於每週,或每2週,或每3週報導而不事先通知。我們希望你能夠諒解。 

To all readers of Hong Kong Main Street Gazette, the editors have brought some good news for you.

1. The Gazette will publish a story about Hong Kong Disneyland every 3 month. The first chapter, a brief introduction to the park, will be published in March 2012! Keep visit the blog from time to time!

2. Story-on-demand! If you wish to know more Disney parks, some special term, the origin of the tradition or so on, you are welcome to email us and state the reason. The Gazette would publish a blog if the editors have find an interesting email! Send us an e-mail to webmaster@wonderland912.com now! (We would prefer a request of a more specific topic than a wide area of information.) 

3. The Gazette is glad that This Week at Main Street has gained itself a repetition among the readers after reporting park update for 17 weeks continuously. Since the Gazette wish to provide verity of information through blog, YouTube and weibo, we are sorry to inform that This Week at Main Street may publish as a weekly, a bio-weekly, or trio-weekly update without notice at first. We hope you could understand that.


