歡迎!我很高興在這清爽的早晨與大家會面!我已到訪位於世界不同角落的迪士尼主題樂園,然而,昨天(2010.5.2 )是我第一次踏足香港迪士尼樂園。她給我的印象是十分優美,當然,我也十分享受遊園的時光。
我於 1970 年開始為華特迪士尼公司工作,而踏入下一個月,我就會正式為迪士尼工作 40 年,並一直堅守同一岡位。但現今很少人能做到,很多青年人剛從大學畢業後,只會在同一部門或公司工作 5 年,其後就會轉職。
我們在加州開設華特迪士尼資料館,正是因為華特迪士尼公司會不停引用或重用過往的所發行或曾經創造過的物件和資料。以《雪姑七友》為例,雖然它在 1937 年首次上映,但至今仍非常重要和有影響力!
當我們在 1970 年開設華特迪士尼資料館的時候,你大可走到影視製作廠 ( Studios )並打門口放聲詢問有關迪士尼的問題,很快便有動畫師回答你。時至今日,很少當時的動畫師仍然在世。
我們在 1966 年痛失了華特‧迪士尼先生, 5 年後,他的兄長 — 洛伊‧迪士尼先生 ( Roy O. Disney,即另一創辦人 ) 也與世長辭。我們開始發覺這一方面的資料是十分珍貴。
資料館的任務是收藏及保存整個迪士尼的歷史,並設於公司的總部 — 加州伯班克 ( Burbank, California )。我們努力收集來自世界不同角落的迪士尼主題樂園,就以香港迪士尼樂園為例,自她開幕以來,我們一直與香港方面聯繫,致力收集有關物品。
Oh Welcome! Thank you for coming this morning. I am so delighted to be here to see Hong Kong Disneyland for the very first time. I have been to all other Disney Parks. I have never been to Hong Kong Disneyland before. Yesterday (2010.5.2) was my first day in Hong Kong Disneyland. It is a beautiful park. I really enjoy it.
I started with the Walt Disney Company in 1970. So, next month will be 40th Anniversary. And I have the same job for 40 years. Few people do that anymore. People tend to come out from the college and they go in the job for 5 years and they go out to something else.
Established The Walt Disney Archive
The reason that we started the Walt Disney Archive in California, is that Disney is the company that reuses its past all the time. We do a film like “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs” which came out in 1937, but it is still important today.
When we started the Archive in 1970, there were still a lot the old-timers at the Studio, and if you a question about Snow White, you can go down in the hallway and knock on someone’s door and you can get your answer very quickly. But very few of them are alive.
We lost Walt Disney in 1966, we lost his brother Roy (Roy O. Disney) in 1971.
Mission of The Archive
So we collect and preserve the History of the whole company at the company headquarter in Burbank, California. We try to get the material from all parks in the company, So great years since we sense Hong Kong Disneyland opened 5 years ago, we have been collecting material from Hong Kong Disneyland.
The company does not have separate Archive in every park, everything is at the Burbank headquarter. In recent years, we have been started collecting more props from movies and costumes, because the company has felt someday we may want to do a museum. So costumes from Pirates of the Caribbean, props from all of our recent movies, right now, when they finished filming the movie, we go in there right away and pick which costumes and which props back to Archive.
When I decided to come here to Hong Kong Disneyland, I think that I would bring along which special item from the Archive. So I brought something that have never been out of the Archive before. So I will show you.
to be continued....