今年的Glow In The Park Parade,Mickey & Minnie登上了海盜船。 The "Glow in the Park Parade" this year! Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are presented on the new Corsair!
香港迪士尼樂園小小世界正式啟航,樂園預備了一份印精美的小冊子送給首批賓客。 "恭喜您! 您是首批進入繽紛國度、展開滿戴歡笑之旅的賓客!" It's A Small World has been officially grand opened. HK Disneyland prepared a delicate printed booklet for the first coming guests. "Congratulations! You are among the first to enter a world of laughter with the happiest cruise that ever sailed!"
期待多時的小小世界終於啟航,旅程上,你可以見會遇到灰姑娘、小木偶、斑比、胡迪等等迪士尼朋友。 Bon Voyage to the long waited "It's a small world" in Hong Kong Disneyland! you will meet Cinderella, Pinocchio, Bambi, Woody, and other Disney friends! during this fabulous journey!