1) Duffy是男的!
2) 最初米妮把這隻小熊送給米奇的時候,把他放在圓筒型水手袋﹝Duffel Bag﹞內,因此米奇就幫他取名為Duffy
3) Duffy的臉型原來是米奇形狀的
4) Duffy的兩邊腳板跟臀部上都米奇圖案
5) Duffy 是東京迪士尼的大熱商品。每逢新品推出的時候,經常有賓客大排長龍爭相購買
6) 自Duffy面世以後,大家都愛為自己的Duffy縫製衣服或是配襯原裝服飾,並且喜
Disney Bear Duffy is coming to the HKDL Sparkling Christmas soon. HKDL released an introductions of Duffy for fans on facebook yesterday.
1) Duffy is a boy!
2) Mickey named this lovely bear “Duffy” as Minnie put it inside a “Duffle” bag while presenting it to him
3) Duffy’s face is in Mickey-head shape.
4) There are Mickey-shape “birthmark” on Duffy’s feet and hip.
Duffy is a big hit in Tokyo Disneyland. Whenever new products are launched, Guests would wait for hours just to grab one.
5) Since Duffy arrived, it has become a trend that people purchase or even hand-make their own Duffy’s costume or accessories. They even love to take Duffy with them while travel around and take pictures with him. Don’t forget, there will be Hong Kong exclusive costume for Duffy in Hong Kong Disneyland this year!
(Referred from HKDL facebook page)
Hello Duffy! See you in Hong Kong Disneyland!