

Gem 和陳煥仁今日下午出席香港迪士尼雪亮聖誕媒體日,連同 Mickey,Minnie 等一班迪士尼朋友,為妙想童話國揭開序幕。
揭幕儀式在大街合唱團美妙的聖誕歌聲中開始,Donald 和 Daisy,Chip 和 Dale,Goofy 和 Pluto,Micky 和 Minnie由薑餅人村莊走出來, 一身聖誕裝束,十分可愛呢!

Today afternoon, Gem and Han Jin appeared in HK Disneyland for the Media Day of Sparkling Christmas, to unfold the Storybook Fantasy with Mickey and his friends. 
The ceremony was begun by some beautiful Christmas tunes, sung by the Main Street Singers.  And the Characters came out from the Gingerbread Village.  They are so cute in the Christmas costumes. 
迪士尼雪亮聖誕 - 妙想童話國明天正式開始!
The Disney Sparkling Christmas - Storybook Fantasy is going to be begin officially tomorrow!

