This is very first version of the Mickey Mouse watch (1933). The Mickey Mouse watch is probably is one of the most famous merchandise item. They sold millions of these item.
(Q: How you acquire this watch?)
When I started with the Archive, the company just saved very few of the early merchandise item. Because they didn't consider them as Disney product, it was simply licensed product. We licensed company to make product using our character. I have to go out to antique store and free market to search for the sample of some of the early merchandise.

噢!真令人感嘆!(Oh! Thank Goodness!) 華特迪士尼公司的書籍發行部早己收藏很多本連封面的迪士尼漫畫。在資料館開設後,我們將值得收藏的移師到資料館收藏。
哈哈!大約1,500,00 至 2,500,00 本!並在全球以至少 50 種語言發行,不得不令人佩服!
噢!真令人感嘆!(Oh! Thank Goodness!) 華特迪士尼公司的書籍發行部早己收藏很多本連封面的迪士尼漫畫。在資料館開設後,我們將值得收藏的移師到資料館收藏。
哈哈!大約1,500,00 至 2,500,00 本!並在全球以至少 50 種語言發行,不得不令人佩服!
The material we have from Hong Kong do not start with Hong Kong Disneyland. I looked in our Publication, and I found a very first comic magazine that we have from Hong Kong. It was 1961. It is even from before when I started in the company.
(Q: Can you tell us how you acquire this comic book?)
Thank Goodness! The company has saved example of all the Publication from all around the world. We already have this when we started the Archive. The Publication Department have these, and we have enveloped all of the collection in the Archive.
(Q: How many comics do you have?)
(Laughing) Probably 150 thousands, 200 thousands. We have published about 50 different languages all around the world. So that is a lot of publication.

接下來是有關華特‧迪士尼先生的收藏品。華特‧迪士尼先生是華特迪士尼公司的創辦人之一,但大眾甚少意會到華特‧迪士尼先生本身也是藝術家。在我手上的華特‧迪士尼先生在 15 歲親筆創作的漫畫原手穚。
Now, our founder, Walt Disney was an artist himself. But many people do not realize Walt Disney was an artist. So I have one page of drawing here. A drawing done by Walt Disney, when he was about 15 years old.
Walt Disney discovered very early that he can hired animators, they could animate better than he could. But, as you can see in these drawing. He was an artist himself.

現在會介紹一下樂園歷史。這是加州迪士尼樂園開幕日 ( 1955.7.17 ) 的天字一號門票。由於當日是媒體預覽日 ( Press Preview ),只有受到邀請的人士方可進場,而巿場上並沒有發行有關門票。啊!今年正正是迪士尼樂園的 55 年大夀!
So now, we will have a bit of theme park history. This is the ticket for the opening day (July 17, 1955) of Disneyland in California. It was invitational press preview that day. So people could not buy a ticket to go to Disneyland. Oh! The Disneyland will be 55 years old this.

另一項收藏品有關加州迪士尼樂園開幕日是泊車淮許證 ( Parking Pass )。你必須將他貼在擋風玻璃上,才得以進泊車場。而且很少人擁有這收藏品,因為你必須小心翼翼從擋風玻璃上刮下來,令這收藏品更為珍貴。
其實當時有很多人仿做假門票,因而可乘機進入樂園。更甚的是,竟有人把兩堂梯子放在樂園閘口,並站立在梯子之上,以當時2 元美金兜售假門票。
其實當時有很多人仿做假門票,因而可乘機進入樂園。更甚的是,竟有人把兩堂梯子放在樂園閘口,並站立在梯子之上,以當時2 元美金兜售假門票。
You can aware that the ticket is the parking pass for the opening day. Because it is glue down from the back and you have to lick it and put it on the windshield of your car. And you have to scrape it off, so very few of this exists.
They have these ticket for opening day. And somebody is the forgery of the ticket so they that they could get into the park that day too. And there also was a very enterprising young man who brought 2 ladders to the gate, to the fence surrounded the park and he put the ladders up and inside the gate and charge people 2 dollars to get into Disneyland.

接下來是華特迪士尼世界開幕日的天字一號門票 ( L.S.L 001 ),當時( 即 1971年 )仍採用門票簿 ( Ticket Book ) 制度 *。
This is ticket No.1 for Walt Disney World in Florida. It is a ticket book. By 1971, we were using ticket books rather than just admission ticket. It has a transportation ticket on the very front, and then your admission ticket to get into the park, and then A, B, C, D, E tickets for the individual attraction in the park. The E ticket was the best, all of the best attractions were E-tickets.

【* 門票簿 包括一張交通工具票 ( Transportation Ticket )、一張入場門票 ( Admission Ticket ) 及 A – E 門票各一 ( A – E Ticket )。A 門票 只限乘搭樂園中往返美國小鎮大街至灰姑娘城堡的交通工具及灰姑娘旋轉木馬;B 門票 只限一些較便宜的遊樂設遊樂設施,如樹屋;C 門票 只限一些比B 門票稍貴室外及室內遊樂設施,包括多個著名 Dark Ride ,如 Peter Pan’s Flight;D 門票 只限一些比C 門票稍貴及較大室外及室內遊樂設施,如 Hall of President;E 門票 只限全樂園耗資建造最貴及最經典而著名的大型室外及室內遊樂設施,如 Haunted Mansion 及 It’s A Small World。 如賓客已使用相關門票,並欲重遊或到訪相關門票上的遊樂設施,則需在樂國中另購相關門票。】
This is ticket No.1 for Walt Disney World in Florida. It is a ticket book. By 1971, we were using ticket books rather than just admission ticket. It has a transportation ticket on the very front, and then your admission ticket to get into the park, and then A, B, C, D, E tickets for the individual attraction in the park. The E ticket was the best, all of the best attractions were E-tickets.

我們既有加州迪士尼樂園開幕日的天字一號門票,也有華特迪士尼世界開幕日的天字一號門票,自然也不少得香港迪士尼樂園的天字一號門票 ( AA 001 HDL:CAS 001 1-Day Adult )!
(Q: How do find this ticket?)
We were working with the people who in charge of the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland. We told that we have the opening ticket from other other parks and we wanted them to send us ticket No.1 for Hong Kong Disneyland. They did it, that's why we have it.
(Chi Ho:那麼資料館擁有全球迪士尼樂園的天字一號門票?)
(Chi Ho:那麼資料館擁有全球迪士尼樂園的天字一號門票?)
(Ambassor: So, do you have all the ticket 001 from all of the park?)
(Ambassor: So, do you have all the ticket 001 from all of the park?)
We do not. Some of the parks would not using special number tickets when they opened. So, for example, we don't have them from Disneyland Paris. There is a ticket that we understand that exist for Tokyo Disneyland but we don't have it. I don't know where is it. (Laughing) Someday we would like to get it.
So we have the opening ticket for Disneyland, the opening ticket for Walt Disney World. Here is ticket No.1 for Hong Kong Disneyland.

Here we have the very first guidebook for Disneyland in California.
(To be continued...)