Picture from rudileung.com
自米奇在蒸汽船上吹口哨開始,音樂跟迪士尼一直形影不離。即使在樂園內,音樂也不愁找不到居處。而且一點也不比電影中的親戚遜色。“世界真細小”、 “A Pirate’s Life for Me”、”Grim Grinning Ghosts”等等扣人心弦的樂章,一直在樂園內不停播放,永不間歇。如今,維多利亞時代的迷離大宅也快將找到它的「日不落」樂曲......
Music and Disney have made the unbreakable vow since the first animated feature – Steamboat Willie. Music can always finds its way to fit into Disney’s parks. Famous attraction theme songs like, “It’s A Small World”, “A Pirate’s Life For Me” and “Grim Grinning Ghosts” never stops playing in the park, nor in our heart. And now, Mystic Manor, the Victorian manor, is about to owe its “the sun never sets” rhythm.
Danny Elfman,與著名導演添布頓共享盛名的電影配樂大師,受香港迪士尼樂園委託為迷離大宅配樂。他和添布頓合作達長25年共12套電影,亦曾為超過70套電影配樂,其作品包括:《怪誕城之夜》、《猿人爭霸戰》、《朱古力掌門人》、《愛麗夢遊仙境》、卡通片《阿森一族》、電視肥皂劇《靚太唔易做》等等。他也為南瓜王傑克作歌聲配音。
Danny Elfman, who have worked and shared the same profile with Tim Burton, is being asked to create the theme sound scores for the upcoming E-ticket ride by Hong Kong Disneyland. He has been working with Tim Burton for exactly 25 years in 12 movies. Also, he has scored for over 70 movies, including, “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, “Planet of the Apes”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “Alice in the Wonderland” etc, nevertheless, the cartoon “The Simpsons” and ABC comedy “Desperate Housewives”. He is also the voice-singer of Jack Skellington.
早於2010年7日18日,在華特迪士尼家族博物館為加州迪士尼樂園55周年而舉行的公眾座談會,已透露 Danny Elfman 為大宅編寫曲目的消息。樂園亦於2011年1月18日向傳媒公布其月底來港創作的消息。他訪園行程亦包括在香港迪士尼樂園酒店舉行的分享會。而這次合作竟源於一次偶然的機會下。
On the July 18, 2010, Walt Disney Museum ’s Disneyland 55th Anniversary Celebration public audience mentioned that Danny Elfman is going to compose for Mystic Manor. Later, on January 18, 2011, the park announced the news to the local media and Danny Elfman’s visit. The visit included a sharing held at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. But, the story has to begin with a coincident.
Danny Elfman 的經理人在 D23 Expo 中得知迷離莊園的資訊,並發現場內展示的迷離大宅內部模型,竟與 Danny Elfman 在落杉磯的大宅頗為相似。原來,Danny Elfman 家中也擁有一些古怪收藏,如枯乾了骷髏頭等。
Danny Elfman’s manager joined the D23 Expo and noticed that there is a thrilling on-going project called Mystic Manor. He also found that the floor plan model looks alike to Danny Elfman’s house in Los Angeles . As the matter of fact, Danny Elfman also has some strange collection at his place, for example, 5 shrunken skulls.

Picture from smalltroubleinhk.wordpress.com
但為何 Danny Elfman 會對這遊樂設施感對興趣?他在提到小時到訪加州迪士尼樂園,就已經愛上 Haunted Mansion 這款經典遊樂設施。他亦道出參與的因由「我被邀請參與其中,而我們的孩子及孫兒也可參與其中,這個可長久地傳播下去意念令我喜愛不已。即使在我離開人世後,仍有下一代會愛上這作品。這一切對我來說是一件大事及一份榮幸。」的確,引人的樂章總教人樂在其中。
But why Danny Elfman is so fascinated in the ride? He said Haunted Mansion was one of his favourite rides. He continued, “So being asked to participate in something like this, something that our child, grandchildren might be part of, I love the idea of how long it would potentially around. That even after I’m gone, there’ll still be generations enjoying the work. That to me is a great thing and an honour.” Indeed, it is always an enjoyment to listen to the charming theme.
Interestingly, the visit was under the influence of Tim Burton. Because wherever Tim Burton is shooting, he invites Danny Elfman to give a visit, to take a walk in there. Tim Burton never expects him to finish the theme from one visit. And this all sort of things do help his creates, because those impression are rooted in his mind. When he starts to score, they are the inspiration.

Picture from rudileung.com
He continued, “I got to walk on the site of where is being built. And it is all stuff to absorb and take home with me. Being there and being in the middle of it is always a good thing.” He also mentioned he is going to visit the park for more during the production. Honestly, his spirit is admirable.
When he talked about his creativity, he said there is no secret formula at all. He also used a metaphor to express the fear at the beginning stage of scoring. He said, the dilemma is like you are lowering bucket into a well but you have no clue where you are going to find it or not. Because you do not know how deep it is, it might be 10 feet deep or a mile deep. You could never get the answer until you hear a splash.
The Mystic Manor is all about a story of supernatural power, and Danny Elfman shared an interesting incident. “I have tried and I have tried and I have tried (to meet the supernatural power). The director Guillermo Del Toro and myself, we even rent a haunted room in London that was sure to provide ghosts. And we took turns sitting in a room alone with the lights off as part of dare, waiting for something to happen, and nothing did. I keep hoping though.” And that’s how the playful spook searches for the spooky idea!
在2011年3月8日,香港迪士尼樂園度假區的YouTube頻道上載了有關 Danny Elfman 到訪短片。Danny Elfman 在片中也概述他的著筆之處及是次創作理念。下面是有關的影片:
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort YouTube channel uploaded a clip about Danny Elfman’s visit on March 8, 2011. He has made a round-up of his focus and the idea of inspiration. Below is the short clip:
What would it be if riding the horseless carriage with eyes closed throughout the journey, after the Mystic Manor is opened? Great fun, I suppose.
It is really thankful that redileung.com and smalltroubleinhk.com lent us the photos and part of information. Without their help, this news would not be able to release. Here, the Gazette pays a great tribute to them.
redileung.com (Pictures & Information)
smalltroubleinhk.wordpress.com (Pictures & Information)
timeout.com.hk (Quotes)
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort YouTube Channel (Video)
Special Thanks to: