Have you ever bothering with the locker is not large enough to store your bulky baggage? or panic when you lost your password receipt? Now the park provides a better solution.
全新的寄存櫃及其系統已經安裝妥當,而且提供 2 種不同大小的儲物櫃 — 普通及特大。由 11 月 21曰開始,賓客可在美國大街小鎮隨時享用這項設施!
New lockers and locker system has installed in the Locker Rentals,
Main Street

普通寄存櫃與以往細寄存櫃的大小一樣,而每次使用需付 40 港幣。特大寄存櫃大約是普通寄存櫃 5 至 6 倍大,可放下一個小型行李箱。而價錢只需 60港幣,絕對是經纃之選。
The normal size lockers equal to the small size in the past time, and cost HKD 40 per usage. For the extra large lockers, they are about 4 times larger than the normal, which allows you to store a small luggage. It only costs HKD 60. Certainly, an extra large locker is an economic choice.
The normal size lockers equal to the small size in the past time, and cost HKD 40 per usage. For the extra large lockers, they are about 4 times larger than the normal, which allows you to store a small luggage. It only costs HKD 60. Certainly, an extra large locker is an economic choice.
Unlike the old system, the new one allows to set your own password, so that you do not have to worry losing your password receipts. Another great feature is allowing guests to end rental.
Unlike the old system, the new one allows to set your own password, so that you do not have to worry losing your password receipts. Another great feature is allowing guests to end rental.

只要接著「End Rental」的紅色按鈕數秒,便可終止服務。試想象,當你準備提早離開這魔法王國時,終止寄存櫃服務,以供其他賓客可繼續使用,何樂而不為?或許你已經有份創造奇妙時刻!
All you have to do is pressing the red “End Rental” button for few moments, then the locker will release automatically. After you have experience a day or half-day full of the Disney magic, you can end the rental of the locker and let other gusts could enjoy this facility while you finished yours. Magic begins with your little help!
All you have to do is pressing the red “End Rental” button for few moments, then the locker will release automatically. After you have experience a day or half-day full of the Disney magic, you can end the rental of the locker and let other gusts could enjoy this facility while you finished yours. Magic begins with your little help!
"It only accept cash (notes) at the moment." said the Cast Member who stand-by the locker room, friendly welcomes every guests and teach them to use the new system in the very beginning period. There will be different alternative payments in later time, including credit cards.
"It only accept cash (notes) at the moment." said the Cast Member who stand-by the locker room, friendly welcomes every guests and teach them to use the new system in the very beginning period. There will be different alternative payments in later time, including credit cards.
新系統提供 3 種語言選擇,分別是繁體中文、簡體中文及英語。
Nevertheless, the new locker system provides 3 different languages, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English.
Nevertheless, the new locker system provides 3 different languages, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English.