


香港迪士尼樂園昨日就有關其擴建工程進度舉行記者招待會,其中反斗奇兵大本營 (Toy Story Land) 主題園區將於來年 (2011) 年底前開幕,而其餘兩個園區亦有望提前於2013年落成。

HK Disneyland released news about the Progression of Park Expansions in a Press Conference.  Toy Story Land will be launched in 2011.  The other 2 theme lands will be completed in 2013.


3個新園區的地基工程均已完成,反斗奇兵大本營的跳降傘機動遊戲組件,兩星期後由歐洲陸續運抵本港進行組裝;轉轉彈弓狗的配件、以及由歐洲訂購的灰熊山谷過山車路軌,稍後亦陸續運抵。  [引用經濟日報專訊]

3 new Theme Land have been finished the foundation works.  The appurtenance of Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop will arrive two week after.   Appurtenance of Slinky Dog Zigzag Spin and the rail of Grizzly Trail from Europe will arrive later.

(圖片來自South China Morning Post)

Woody's status will place as a landmark in Toy Story Land in HKDL.

灰熊山谷 Grizzly Gulch
(From the ATV news)
 迷離大宅模型  Model of Mystic Manor

