由2011年1月21日開始,奇妙仙子(Tinker Bell) 將為睡公主城堡灑上星粉(Pixie Dust),讓睡公主城堡化身為奇妙仙子城堡。
From 21Jan 2011, Tinker Bell will add some Pixie Dust to the Sleeping Beauty Castle. The Sleeping Beauty Castle will transforms into Tinker Bell Castle.

Tinker Bell 將首次現身樂園與賓客見面
Also, it will be the first time that Tinker Bell meets Guests at Pixie Hollow in HK Disneyland.

Mickey 和 Minnie 與一班迪士尼朋友為慶祝樂園五歲生日,換上華麗新裝。
Mickey, Minnie and their friends will dress in new glamorous costumes, for celebrating the 5th birthday of Hong Kong Disneyland.

樂園亦推出一系列五週年精品,當然還會有Tinker Bell的精品。
HK Disneyland will introduce a series of 5th anniversary. Of course, there will also some Tink's products.
HK Disneyland will introduce a series of 5th anniversary. Of course, there will also some Tink's products.

In addition, HK Disneyland will also introduce meal packages with delicate lunch box, and dessert cup and plate.
In addition, HK Disneyland will also introduce meal packages with delicate lunch box, and dessert cup and plate.

Referred from: Hong Kong Disneyland Press Release