上星期本報提及灰熊山有可能成為第 20 座迪士尼山,但前 19 座迪士尼山是哪些?這篇報道將小作介紹,以下是本報簡單製作的列表。
Last week, Gazette mentioned that Big Grizzly Mountain might possibly 20th Disney Mountain , but, what are the previous Disney Mountain ? Below is a short list in chronicle order and followed by belief introduction of each Mountain.
Opening Day
June 14, 1959
147 ft
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January 15, 1975
183 ft
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May 27, 1977
128 ft
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September 2, 1979
104 ft
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September 23, 1980
100 ft
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April 15, 1983
118 ft
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July 4, 1987
108 ft
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Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon
June 1, 1989
95 ft
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July 17, 1989
87 ft
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April 12, 1992
119 ft
October 1, 1992
99 ft
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October 2, 1992
87 ft
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Mountain Gushmore
April 1, 1995
90 ft
June 1, 1995
141 ft
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Disney’s California Adventure
February 8, 2001
101 ft
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September 4, 2001
168 ft
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Hong Kong
September 12, 2005
118 ft
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Expedition Everest
Disney’s Animal Kingdom
April 7, 2006
199 ft
Cadillac Mountain Range
Disney’s California Adventure
June 15, 2012
Appox. 125 ft
Hong Kong
July 2012
88.5 ft
Matterhorn Bobsleds 是被公認為世上第1座鋼製過山車,亦是唯一一座在華特.迪士尼先生仍在世時落成的迪士尼山。由於華特.迪士尼先生對阿爾卑斯山脤的馬特洪峰 (Matterhorn) 磅礡氣勢印象深刻,而在迪士尼樂園依照外型興建一座過山車。在 1978 年,迪士尼為它加入水晶、雪人 (Abominable Snowman) 等新元素。它亦是唯一一座可供攀爬的迪士尼山。
Matterhorn Bobsleds is considered as the first steel roller coaster ever built in the world. It is also the only Disney Mountain built when Walt Disney was still alive. Walt Disney found the Matterhorn in Alps were so fascinating and decided to bring it back to Disneyland . In 1978, crystal and famous Abominable Snowman were added to the ride. It is also the only mountain allows people to climb.
山內亦擺設一套行山工具及木箱,其實是向前華特.迪士尼公司主席及前首席營運官 – Frank G. Wells 致敬。愛好攀山的他,在 1994 年 4 月 3 日因直升機在美固內華達州的 Rudy Mountain 失事而失去性命,終年 62 歲。同年上映的獅子王獻上給他以彰其功,而 Walt Disney Studio 的檔案室及香港迪土尼樂園鐵路的 3 號蒸氣火車頭亦以他的名字命名。
A set of climbing tools and wood boxes are placed inside the Matterhorn Bobsleds, they are a mark of respect for the former Chairman of Walt Disney Company and Chief Operating Officer, Frank G. Wells. Frank was a mountain climber, unfortunately, in April 3, 1994, he lost his life in a helicopter wreck, in the age of 62. The helicopter crushed on Rudy Mountain in Nevada , USA . The Lion King movie, which on theatre in 1994, paid tribute to Frank at the end. Also, the Archive in Walt Disney Studio and the Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad No. 3 locomotive was named after him.

飛越太空山是第 1 座室內及電腦控制的過山車。其創作意念及構思來自華特.迪士尼先生,他想興建一座在黑暗中行走的過山車,而必需精準地控制燈光及投影影象。但奈何地點及財政上的問題,飛越太空山的計劃延遲了 11 年才實現。
魔法王國的太空山於 2009 年 4 月 19 日作更新工程,並在 2009 年 11 月 22 日重開。更新工程包括為太空山粉飾內部裝飾,而且更為太空山重新配樂及加多 60 個的擴音器,以提供更具現場感的 “Starry-O-Phonic Sound” 音效。但由於擴音器延遲的關係,音效更新到 2010 年夏天才完成。
There was an interior improvement project on Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom from April 19 to November 22, 2009, including redesigned light elements in queue area, added a new composition and installed 60 new speakers to provide “Starry-O-Phonic Sound” experience. However, speakers production was fell behind the schedule, and the sound upgrade was postponed to Summer 2010.
東京的太空山亦於 2006 年作更新工程,加設了太空平台及行人輸送帶。其贊助商為日本可口可樂有限公司。
巴黎的太空山原名為 Space Mountain: De la Terra à la Luna,是首個 “Synchronized On-Board Sound Track”,即在車上設有擴音器並與場景同步播放的過山車。其創作意念來自Jules Verne在 1865 年發行的小說 – “From Moon to Earth”。更新工程在 2005 年 1 月 1 日展開。其意念為上述小說的伸延,帶賓客進一步探索太空,並在 2005 年 4 月 9 日重開,改名為 Space Mountain: Mission 2。
香港的太空山亦採用 “Synchronized On-Board Sound Track”,而且是首座設有單獨賓客入口的太空山。
加州的 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 前身,早於開幕初期已屹立在樂園的 Frontierland。Rainbow Caverns Mine Train 在1956年7月2日開幕,並在1959年10月11日關閉。其後改建為Mine Train Through Nature’s Wonderland,在1960年5月26日啟用,直至1977年1月2日關閉。上述2個遊樂設施均為遊覽火車。而 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 則是過山車,並仿照美國猶他州的 Bryce Canyon Nation Park 地形而建。
Rainbow Caverns Mine Train (1956.7.2 – 1959.10.11) and Mine Train Through Nature’s Wonderland (1960.5.26 – 1977.1.2) were the previous form of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland , and they both were circle tour railroad. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad’s landscape is inspired by the Bryce Canyon Nation Park in Utah , USA .
而在魔法王國、東京及巴黎的 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 則跟原版沒有太大分別。
For Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Magic Kingdom , Tokyo and Paris , there is not much great difference bewteen the original version.
位於華特迪士尼世界 Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon 水上樂園的 Mount Mayday,為該地點的中心點。故事背景為佛羅里達州的一個小島被颱風吹襲,而大量船隻被沖上島上。其中,一艘名叫 “Miss Tilly” 被困在山上求救,Mount Mayday 因而得命。Mayday 是海上及空中的電波求救訊號,字源為法文的 venez m’adier,意即“速來救我”。該水上樂園是首個擁有人造衝浪池,並設有12個容量達6至7加侖的儲水池以供製浪。
位於華特迪士尼世界 Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon 水上樂園的 Mount Mayday,為該地點的中心點。故事背景為佛羅里達州的一個小島被颱風吹襲,而大量船隻被沖上島上。其中,一艘名叫 “Miss Tilly” 被困在山上求救,Mount Mayday 因而得命。Mayday 是海上及空中的電波求救訊號,字源為法文的 venez m’adier,意即“速來救我”。該水上樂園是首個擁有人造衝浪池,並設有12個容量達6至7加侖的儲水池以供製浪。
Mount Mayday is the centerpiece of Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon, a water park at Walt Disney World Resort. It is about a typhoon slapped over an island in Florida and boats were crushed on the land. One boat, named Miss Tilly, is trapped upon a sharp mountain and asking for rescue. As the matter of fact, Mayday (origin from French, venez m’adier, literally means ‘come and help me’) is an international radio signal used by ships and aircrafts needing help when they are in danger. The Lagoon has the first waving making pool and 12 chambers which can holds 6 – 7 gallons each.
Splash Mountain 是以迪士尼首套真人與動畫結合的電影 – 《南方之歌》,作創作藍本。而每 12 秒載有 8 人的浮本船會在賓客眼前俯衝 50 尺。加州及東京的 Splash Mountain 位於 Critter Country,而魔法王國的則位於 Frontierland。東京版本更會以日文唱出《南方之歌》2 首名曲 – "How Do You Do?" 及 "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"。
Splash Mountain is inspired a classic Disney animated with real people film, Song of the South. In every 12 seconds, a log full of 8 guests will drop 50 feet and finished with a big splash. Splash Mountain at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland are located in Critter Country, and the Magic Kingdom ’s is located in Frontierland. Splash Mountain at Tokyo has Japanese version of 2 classic Disney songs from the movie Song of the South, “How Do You Do?” and “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah”
位於華特迪士尼世界 Disney’s Blizzard Beach 水上樂園的 Mount Gushmore,大概是眾多迪士尼山中賓客可步行達到的最高處。故事背景為佛羅里達州下了一場暴風雪,一隻短吻鱷乘機發大財,興建了一所滑雪場。怎料在太陽的曝曬下,雪開始溶解!Mount Gushmore 是一條高達 120 尺近乎垂直的滑水梯,而整個滑下過程只需數秒,地心吸力就是賓客的安全帶!Gush是一大堆水濺出,More 是許多,究竟有何意思呢?
Grizzly Peak 是 Disney’s California Adventure 的地標建築。它的頂峰是依灰熊的外貌而建,而灰熊正正是加州的動物代表。

Mount Prometheus 處於東京迪士尼海洋的中心點,並且包含了2款遊樂設施 – Journey to the Center of the Earth 及 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea。其遊樂設施是依據 Jules Verne 的同命小說而設計。而 Mount Prometheus 是依據 Jules Verne 的小說中島嶼而建。Prometheus 是一種名叫 Bristlecone 的棕櫚樹。不,等等,如果將 Bristlecone 分開,就可解作“憤怒的圓錐體”,不就是火山嘛!
At the center of Tokyo Disney Sea rested Mount Prometheus . It holds 2 attractions which inspired by Jules Verne’s novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The Mount Prometheus created according to Jules Verne description of a mysterious island in his novel. Prometheus is a division of Bristlecone Palm. Just hold on a second, if we split up the word Bristlecone into “bristle” and “cone”, a suddenly offended, angry cone? It might refer to a volcano, perhaps.
如果 Expedition Everest 是一座真山,它將會是列入佛羅里達州十大高山之列。它是眾多迪士尼山中最高及造價最貴的,亦是世界上首款可前進並倒行的過山車。它是參照世上最高山峰珠穆朗瑪峰外型建造。
If Expedition Everest is a real mountain, it will be listed in the top 10 tallest mountain in Florida . It is the highest and most expensive Disney Mountains of all. Also, it is the first roller coaster which can going backward during the ride. Its outlook is inspired by the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest .
作為 Cars Land 的主項目及標誌建築,Cadillac Mountain Range 將會是歷來最大的迪士尼山工程,一共有6個尖峰。它是依據動畫《反斗車王》的場景而建,而其場景則參照 Ornament Valley 設計。其尖峰的頂尖處稱為 “Pinnacle of Cadillac Mountain Range”。Cadillac,中文名即卡拉迪克(國/台:凱拉迪克),是美國通用汽車的高檔品牌。而卡拉迪克 1959 年的汽車 (1959 Cadillac) 的突出的尖尾翼均被稱為 Pinnacle,因而啟發了彼思動畫師的創作靈感。
As the major project and landmark of Cars Land , Cadillac Mountain Range will be the biggest Disney Mountains ever built, it has 6 fins in total. Its outlook is taken from the scene in the Pixar animated movie, Cars, in which the scene was inspired by the Ornament Valley along the Route 66. Cadillac is one of the luxury band owned by General Motors. The fins are called “Pinnacle of Cadillac Mountain Range” and Pinnacle is actually the tail fin of 1959 Cadillac, which inspire the design of the mountain in the movie.

香港迪士尼樂園第 1 期擴建項目灰熊山,將設有全球最長倒行過山車。(詳見灰熊山谷:攀越熊峰)
Big Grizzly Mountain is a part of Hong Kong Disneyland’s 1st Phase Expansion plan, it also has the longest going backward roller coaster in the world, which travels few hundreds metres in high speed. (Further introduction in Grizzly Gulch: Bring Peak to Bear)
不知大家曾 “探索” 哪幾座迪士尼山?
So, how many Disney Mountains you have “explored”?
Did You Know That?
在 Matterhorn Bobsleds 的頂部內裡有一個非正規半籃球場,其籃板更印有 Matterhorn Bobsleds的標誌!
In side the peak of Matterhorn Bobsleds , there is an irregular half basketball court. Furthermore, the logo of Matterhorn Bobsleds is printed on the basketball board!
香港迪士尼樂園早於 1997 年 (1997.10.28) 的計劃中亦包括 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad。據所刊載藍圖的迪士尼刊物 (2010出版) 所示,為現今泰山樹屋的位置。
In the early plan of Hong Kong Disneyland (1997.10.28), it included the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad attraction. According to the floor plan, which illustrated in a Disney publication in 2010, it was located at the island where Tarzan’s Treehouse is laying right now.
Disney A-Z: Disney Encyclopaedia