The Grizzly Gulch Growler Special Commemorative Edition: Page 1
The Grizzly Gulch Growler

The Grizzly Gulch Growler
由 Seymour Fairly 執筆
Published every Saturday
By Seymour Fairly
"Reporting The 'Bear' Facts Since 1888"
Special Commemorative Edition
Prospecting Pooch is a Golden Retriever, Indeed!
Citizens of Grizzly Gulch are no doubt well acquainted with "Lucky", the plucky little golden retriever, who wandered into town on the auspicious day of our founding celebration, August 8, 1888.
我們的吉祥物終於揚名立萬!正如大家所知的一樣,Lucky 喜歡穿梭於灰熊山採礦公司的礦洞之間,而在上星期在狗狗好奇心引領牠至世上最大金塊所在之處!
Well our little town mascot has lived up to his name! As you all know, Lucky loves to sniff around the digs over at the Big Grizzly Mountain Mining Company, and last week his canine curiosity led him straight to the biggest gold nugget ever recorded in these parts!
根據我們在鎮中所收集得來的線報,以下是這件意外發現事件的始末。Lucky 就像平時一樣開展牠新的一天。牠首先走到幸運黃金石小食亭吃了廚餘及喝了一盆水,之後急步走到西部囚室給警長 Sheriff Justice 及他的部下打招呼。然後牠像平時一樣走到灰熊山採礦公司四處嗅嗅,「牠喜愛跟著礦工們到處遊蕩,」礦工領頭 I.M. Shovelman 說。
According to our sources around town, here is how the serendipitous event unfolded. It seems that Lucky the Dog started as usual. He wandered over to the Lucky Nugget Saloon for leftover scraps and a bowl of water, and then trotted down to the Grizzly Gulch Jail to give a howling howdy to Sheriff Justice and his deputies. Then as he does every day about that time, Lucky headed over to the Big Grizzly Mountain Mine to see what he could sniff out, "He loves to follow the prospectors around," said the mine foreman I.M. Shovelman.
「牠一直是礦工們好拍擋,而且如果附近有怒氣沖沖的灰熊,牠經常會警告他們。」Lucky 打了一聲招呼。牠到了礦工的儲物櫃,哪是牠一定會搔耳朵的地方,其後牠在鋸木場向老 Tom Cutwell 打了招呼。但當牠與礦洞的地質學家,Ignatius Stone,結伴進入礦洞時,一切也變得非常有趣。
"He's a good company for the boys, and he always warns them if an angry bear is afoot nearby." Lucky made his usual calls. He visited the Prospectors' Locker, where he is always sure to get a scratch between the ears, and then made a call on old Tom Cutwell at the sawmill. But it was when he accompanied the mine's geologist, Ignatius Stone, into the mine that things really got interesting.
「我們當時在 8 號礦洞附近的地方,」Stone 回憶起,「而我正在收集石頭樣本,Lucky 則尋找一處去收藏骨頭。」突然之間這隻掘礦犬開始狂飇般掘地及搖尾。當他走近查看什麼令小狗騷動時,他看見了一生中曾遇見過的最大、最閃爍的石頭! 幸運黃金石足足有 150 磅之重,而且它價值 2 萬美元之多!!!但在一眾領袖眼中,這塊閃閃發光的石頭是無價的。
"We were in the vicinity of Shaft No. 8," recalls Mr. Stone, "and I was taking rock samples, while Lucky was looking for a place to bury a bone." Then suddenly the prospecting pooch began digging like crazy and waging his tail. When Mr. Stone looked closer to see what all the commotion was about, he beheld the biggest, brightest rock he had ever seen. The "Lucky Nugget" weighs in a whopping 150 pounds, and it valued at nearly $20,000!!! But in the eyes of our civic leaders, the chunk of gleaming granite is priceless.
博士跟礦洞的擁有者,Phineas T. Crosgrove 上尉,有意將它放在金石檢測所門前展示。他們相信這個舉動可以啟發一眾淘金者,同時又可當一項名勝吸引世界各地的遊客到訪。
With the cooperation of the mine's owner, "Capt." Phineas T. Cosgrove, they intend to proudly display it in front of the Grizzly Gulch Assay Office. They believe it will be an inspiration to all the prospectors in the Gulch, as well as an attraction that will draw visitors to our fair town from all over the world.
無可置疑的是,Lucky 將在牠的餘生中受小鎮市民所愛戴。而且我想大家都相信收留 Lucky 的那一天的確是我們最幸運的一天!
Needless to say, Lucky Dog will be welcome at Grizzly Gulch for the rest of his life. And I think we are all in agreement that the day we adopted Lucky, was our luckiest day ever!
Billy "Boomer" McCoy, lead dynamiter at the Big Grizzly Mountain Mine has informed us this week of his intention to dynamite another shaft on the east face of the peak, and gold nuggets are sure to be the bountiful result. Townsfolk are advised to proceed with caution when strolling in the vicinity of the blasting.
The Growler is pleased to announce that the "San Francisco Songbird" - Madame Rubinstein - will soon treat Grizzly Gulch to a return performance of her melodious repertoire!
Who can forget her concert last year, when she brought a tear to the eyes of all in attendance with her tender rendition of "My Sweet Bower on Flower Street"?
(Main Street Gazette's footnote: Flower Street is referring to the street which Walt Disney Imagineering headquarter is located.)
As volunteer Mayor of Grizzly Gulch, and publisher of this respected news journal, I feel it is my duty to inform citizen that the Old Town section of Grizzly Gulch ("Geyser Gulch," as it will no doubt soon be called) has sunk another six centimeters! When city fathers built the original town, they had bo idea they had built on an active geyser bed,
The readers of this newspaper will no doubt recall the welcome news that Catherine "Wild Cat" Kelly - the beautiful but dangerous troublemaker - had been captured at last by Sheriff Justice and placed in the Grizzly Gulch Jail.
Well, lo and behold, she has escaped!
It's seems she smuggled a piece of dynamite into the cell with her, and blew out a hole in the wall!
We hear that old Tom Cutwell the fine gentleman who heads up the sawmill operation over at the Big Grizzly Mountain Mining Company, has a hidden talent - carving wooden bears from the leftover wood scraps. The charming souvenirs are proudly displayed at the "Bear Necessities" outfitters wagon, so stop by and have a look.
Our esteemed town physician, "Doc" Will Curem, has asked us to remind one and all that he has brewed up a fresh batch of his patented Miracle Elixir, and it will be available soon at local establishments and by mail order.
He is keen to point out that the powerful potion is good for heartburn, rheumatism and general good health.
The only hotel in the town, And also the best!
Cleanest Sheets
High Class
Dance a jig with
Joe's All - Star Band
Dealer in
Elegant & Fancy Toilet Water
And also
Assayers' Supplies
Just up the road in Mule Butte
We carry "Doc" Curem's Miracle Elixir!
Horse Shoeing And Metal Work
No job too small of too big!
Prospectors for the
Big Grizzly Mountain Mine
Must not be afraid of hard work and bears.